Presentation Details
TITLE What’s New? WELL V2 and Fitwel Changes and Updates: An in depth comparison of the evolution of the two wellness certification systems since their initial release.
- Compare WELL V1 and V2 and what has evolved with the release of V2
- Understand the changes that have occurred this year with Fitwel certifications and programs
- Learning which is the best solution for your business/office or how you could recommend this to your client or team
- Understanding the return on investment for wellness in the workplace
For more information on WELL V2, click here.

Andrea Alaownis, WELL AP Andrea is an Interior Designer at Jacobs with 10+ years of experience in Commercial & Government design, master planning, and workplace strategy in Boston and Washington, DC. She graduated from Radford University in Virginia with a BS in Interior Design and earned her WELL AP in 2017.

Tracy Backus, LEED AP® ID+C ; WELL AP; WELL Faculty Director, Sustainable Programs at Teknion Joining Teknion in April 2000 as a degreed and licensed interior designer has given me a diverse career in the built environment industry. As Teknion’s Director of Sustainable Programs, advancing sustainability is a cultural imperative that allows for a personal passion. Daily, I build awareness on the importance of environmental values throughout the company, our supply chain and Teknion’s internal and external client base. With a focus on occupancy health and product ingredients the role has been to drive change at all levels of the organization to reduce environmental impacts and improve employee well-being.