Student Spotlight 2020


Name: Imran Mohammed Khan
Concentration: Master of Interior Architecture
College/University: Boston Architectural College
Year(s) of Graduation: 2019

Why did you choose to pursue interior design in college?:Having completed my undergrad in architecture in India, I worked as an interior designer on a few projects that made me feel like the interior design aspect connected more with the end users and were more human centered than the architecture which connected more with the community as a whole. As much as I enjoy working with the communities on various architectural projects, I decided to expand my arsenal and get a more formal training in interior design as well.  
Why do you want to be a member of IIDA NE?:To be a part of a larger network that connects like-minded people and help me build myself up within the design community.

If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go & why?: Turkey. It is beautiful, has great food.
Favorite IIDA event/memory: IIDA Fashion Show - October 2017
Favorite Disney movie: Beauty and the Beast /The Lion King The Mighty Ducks

Favorite summer activity: Eating mangoes (the mangoes here just don't cut it opposed to the Indian Mangoes. 
Favorite class outside of Interior Design: Any history class 
Favorite design software program: Sketchup, Photoshop
If you weren't a designer, what would you be? Aeronautical Engineer/Soccer player (if only I was any better at it)
Coffee or tea? Neither. Milkshakes.