With the recent changes to the NCIDQ exam, IIDA New England will be holding an informational session this Spring in lieu of a prep course. This session will be offered in person in Boston, Hartford and Providence, as well as streaming live via the web. Each location will have a CIDQ Ambassador to provide an overview perspective and resources to help you prepare. After that presentation, we will have a chapter-wide Q&A session and discussion which will be led by folks that have recently taken and passed the exam, as well as prep course teachers.

Date & Schedule (times are approximate)

Monday, February 26, 2018
5:30 – 6:00 p.m.              Registration and Networking
6:00 – 6:30 p.m.              CIDQ Ambassador Presentation (live streaming with one location only - TBA)
6:30 – 7:30 p.m.              Chapter Wide Q&A/Discussion (live streaming with all three locations)


We're thrilled to be hosting this in 3 different cities as well as streaming the Q&A/discussion portion via the web.

Boston - SOLD OUT!

Red Thread
101 Seaport Blvd, Suite 600
Boston, MA 02210

CIDQ Ambassador: Felice Silverman, NCIDQ, FIIDA, Silverman Trykowski Assoc

Boston is sold out! You may attend the event virtually. Please select the live streaming option when registering.


Red Thread
300 East River Drive
East Hartford, CT 06108

CIDQ Ambassador: Dawn Gepfert, NCIDQ, Dawn P. Gepfert Design


Sheehan’s Office Interiors
865 Waterman Avenue
East Providence, RI 02914

CIDQ Ambassador: Kristyn Hill, NCIDQ, IIDA, Bergmeyer


IIDA NE Members: Free!
Non-Members: $25
Students: $10

Pre-registration has closed. Walk ins are available at Hartford & Providence.

Additional Resources

The New England Chapter of ASID is offering a weekend preparatory course that focuses on the practicum part of the exam. Dates for the class will be February 23 & 24, 2018. Registration is $100 for non-members. For more information, click here.