Please join us to celebrate the holiday season and our charitable donations on Wednesday, December 7, for a night of libations, networking and charity!

Drawing proceeds will benefit sponsoring new IIDA Student Membership! If you are interested in donating a drawing prize, please contact Cynthia Bartley at [email protected]

IIDA New England is pleased to work with the YWCA Rhode Island for this year's Gingerbread Express Donation Drive! YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.

The Gingerbread Express Donation Drive collects clothing, necessities and toys for students in need to brighten their holiday season. Each student designs a gingerbread cookie cutout listing information about their clothing needs and gift wishes. As a donor, you simply purchase the gifts you can, wrap them and bundle them securely (in a large bag for example), attaching the gingerbread tag, and bring that to the Holiday Gala on December 7. We do ask that each bundle include both one necessity item (clothing for example) and a fun item (toy for example). Feel free to team up with others as well!

If you're unable to attend the Gala but wish to still participate, please contact Debbie at (401) 639-0052 or at [email protected], and she will arrange a pick up.

If you are interested in participating or have any questions, please reach out to Debbie at (401) 639-0052 or at [email protected]

Wednesday, December 7 // 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. EST

Res American Bistro, 123 Empire St, Providence, RI (Complimentary valet parking is available)


Early Bird (now through November 17)
 - IIDA Members $62
 - Non-Members $88
 - Students/Faculty: $25

Late/Onsite (November 18 - December 5) - Online registration will close at the end of the day on December 5. Walk in registrations will not be allowed for this event.
 - All: $94


All cancellation requests must be sent in writing to [email protected]. Cancellations received on or before November 17, 2022, will be refunded less a cancellation fee of 25% of the total purchase. Registrations cancelled after November 17, 2022, will not be refunded. Tickets may be transferred to another individual at no cost; please email [email protected] to request this.

A gentle reminder that IIDA NE is committed to the health and safety of all. We ask all event attendees keep this in mind as you prepare to attend this event. If for any reason a person does not feel well, we ask that they not attend out of respect for others in attendance. As a reminder, by registering for this event you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By attending such event, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold IIDA New England, or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury. Please remember that some guests may not be comfortable shaking hands or hugging, so always ask before doing so.

Please note: audience photographs, screenshots and/or video may be taken at this event. By nature of your attendance, you are granting permission for your image, voice and likeness to be used for marketing purposes.