LEAD Class of 2020

Andrea Costello, IIDA
E4H Environments for Health Architecture

Concentration: Interior Design
College/University: Mount Ida College – Newton MA

Q: Why did you choose to become an Interior Designer?
A: I thought it was a good choice because I could work in an industry that was artistic and also challenging. People will always need designers as our way of living and doing business will change in the future.

Q: What is one piece of advice you wish you could have given yourself when you were just beginning your career?
A: I would have told myself to really think about what the industry is about. I knew a little about interior design but not construction administration, and how much it ties in with architecture. There are many layers of interior design.

Q: What is the most important skill you have honed over the years?
A: The ability to communicate a design direction with clients and clearly present the intent. This takes some practice and can be nerve racking but I’ve learned to become confident with my ideas when presenting.

Q: What do you hope to accomplish as part of the IIDA LEAD program?
A: I hope I can improve on communication so I can become a better leader. Most of my time at the office is spent at a desk, so it’s nice to participate in a program that prepares for face to face conversations that I may encounter in the near future.

Q: What is your favorite part of being an IIDA New England member?
A: I get to meet other designers and also participate in events so I can become updated on the newest design trends!