EL Questionnaire 2017
Name: Zoe Benson Company: CBT Concentration: Commercial/Academic College/University: Syracuse University Year(s) of Graduation: 2013
If you had to describe yourself in three words, they would be...: Determined, Dedicated, Creative What is your strongest personal quality: Determination and the ability to get along with people. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?: That I was excited to get the day off to a good start by going to my favorite barre class. What is your favorite type of music, band or musician?: "Happy Hits" on Spotify - "Hits to boost your mood and fill you with happiness!" You've been given access to a time machine; where and when would you travel to?: I would travel to Greece in April 1896 to watch the first ever summer Olympic Games. What is your best childhood memory?: One of my best childhood memories was when I was on a family ski trip at Snowbird, in Utah. I was about 12 years old. This year while we were on our trip was one of the first years that I had really mastered expert skiing and felt in control of my form than ever before. I was finally able to go on all the expert runs and keep up with my dad (which was a big deal for me, he is a great skier and had lived in Colorado for a number of years at one point in time.) After years of ski lessons and family trips, I finally felt confident in my abilities on my skis. This year was also one of the best for fresh powder. On a few of our favorite trails there was the one cornice ledge that was about 13ft high, which skiers would jump off into the steep run of moguls below. I would watch in amazement each time someone would stand at the top. As the week went on I built up enough courage to make my own way to the top of this cornice with my dad. He told me to trust myself and go for it with confidence, and he knew I had it in me to land it. I held that advice close imagined in my head before I took that leap that I would make it. I took a deep breath and went for it. Before I knew it I had landed on my two skis and was turning through the moguls below! This was a big moment for me to realize I could do whatever I set my mind to, if I had full confidence and determination. It also taught me how important it is to learn the basic skills of something and to ask people with more experience for advice and feedback to learn and improve. I will never forget this moment and learned a lot that I have been able to apply in many aspects of my life. Lesson learned that has benefited you most in your career: One of the most beneficial lessons I have learned is to ask questions, make executive decisions, and when something goes wrong to take responsibility and help resolve the problem. And always work as a team. Why did you choose to become an Interior Designer?: I have wanted to be an Interior Designer since I was in about 2nd grade. I would have my parents buy me Architectural and Interior Design magazines for me to awe at. I also had my own sketch book where I would describe projects I wanted to design and would draw out floor plans. I was always very aware of my surroundings and how the design of a space affected your experience. What is one goal you'd like to accomplish in your lifetime?: Someday I would like to either own my own firm or be a partner in an Architectural and Interior Design firm. I hope that some projects I work on will win awards and be featured in magazines that I would look at for inspiration growing up.