EL Questionnaire 2020
Name: Samantha Arel Company: OTJ Architects Concentration: Interior Design College/University: Wentworth Institute of Technology Year(s) of Graduation: 2018
What is your strongest personal quality?: I am a really good listener. I have always been the friend people come to when they need to talk something through or get something off their chest. What skill set are you most proud of professionally?: I am very inquisitive. I am never afraid to ask a question if its going to help me learn something new and be more productive. What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?: My stuffed animal “Little Bear” – that thing went everywhere with me. What do you hope to accomplish as an IIDA Emerging Leader?: I hope to gain the skills it takes to become a leader who can recognize others for their individual skill sets and create well rounded teams. What's your go-to for de-stressing?: If I need to de-stress, you can find me in the gym or running outside. Revit, CAD, or Sketchup?: Revit all day. Are you usually early or late?: Early, but I don’t like to seem too early…so sometimes I wait outside for the perfect time… haha What three things are in your bag?: My Yeti full of coffee, Lara bars & a lint roller – always. What is your favorite part of being an IIDA member?: Networking with other talented designers in the industry! Why did you choose to become an Interior Designer?: I have always loved art and design. While kids were passing notes in my middle school classroom I was always drawing new floor plans of my room in my notebook. I simply became an interior designer because it is truly what I love to do and what makes me happy.