EL Questionnaire 2020
Name: Kimberly Quinlan Company: Jacobs Concentration: Interior Design College/University: New England School of Art & Design @ Suffolk University Year(s) of Graduation: 2001
What is your strongest personal quality?: Perceptive. I tend to be aware and have good observation of people and surroundings and can usually deduce what someone needs or wants before they even do. What skill set are you most proud of professionally?: Adaptability…I don’t get easily flustered. I can meet any demand or change from any client/project as required all while keeping stress at a minimum and humor at the forefront. What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?: Alphie Electronic Robot What do you hope to accomplish as an IIDA Emerging Leader?: Develop my assets and strengths further to be a thoughtful and confident mentor and future design leader/principal in design. What's your go-to for de-stressing?: Singing and dancing or gardening. Revit, CAD, or Sketchup?: Revit Are you usually early or late?: Early. Being late is my pet peeve. What three things are in your bag?: Four things for me…gum, lip balm, scrap paper and a pen. What is your favorite part of being an IIDA member?: Meeting people! And the support and offerings IIDA has for its community. Why did you choose to become an Interior Designer?: I was actually a music major turned sociology major. I always had that back of mind thought about being an interior designer from a home economics class I took in high school. My senior year of college, I quit! I ended up taking two years away from school to really think about what I wanted to pursue. During that time off, I crossed paths with a designer who left a large firm in Atlanta as director of design and helped to begin her own company. From that experience, there was no turning back.