EL Questionnaire 2018
Name: Julie Jaenicke Company: Sasaki Concentration: My current focus is Corporate Interiors and I have prior experience in Higher Education College/University: I graduated from New England School of Art & Design at Suffolk University (NESAD) with a Masters in Interior Architecture. For my undergraduate degree, I majored in Art and Mathematics at Colby College. Year(s) of Graduation: Graduate 2014 / Undergraduate 2006
What is your strongest personal quality: I don't give up easily. I fervently believe that all challenges can be resolved with enough time and thought and I relish the challenge of a good problem to solve. What skill set are you most proud of professionally?: I've become both comfortable and confident presenting in front of colleagues and clients. This skill did not come naturally for me, but after focusing on it for several years in the workplace, it has now become one of my professional strengths. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?: My final NCIDQ exam is coming up, so my brain is solely focused on ASTM standards, exit sign locations, and similarly enthralling topics. What is your best childhood memory?: As a child, I was totally obsessed with making forts. I loved that feeling of complete freedom in creation and I miss having the ability to live entirely within my imagination. What's your go to for de-stressing?: It is a balancing act between yoga and candy. Revit, CAD, or Sketchup?: Revit for 90% of all tasks, and Sketchup for 10%. (CAD, if you're reading this, that's a zero for you. Sorry.) Are you usually early or late?: I don't stop until that buzzer rings. (So ya... I'm never early.) What three things are in your bag?: I always have a tape measure, business cards, and a pack of gum in my bag. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning a medal for?: It would be a tie between professional napping and elaborate excel sheet creations. Why did you choose to become an Interior Designer?: I've always been enamored with the world of design, and specifically the built environment, which speaks to both my artistic and analytical inclinations. Initially torn whether to pursue architecture or interior design when researching graduate programs, I ultimately chose interior design as my passion. While I'm fascinated by exterior structures, I believe the interior experience can move and influence people on a deeper, more intimate level. What is one goal you'd like to accomplish in your lifetime?: Similar to many fields, the design industry lacks sufficient senior female leadership. I hope one day to contribute as an influential leader myself, and to inspire other women to do the same.