EL Questionnaire 2020


Name: Haley Baker
Company: Sasaki
Concentration: Interior Design
College/University: Wentworth Institute of Technology
Year(s) of Graduation: 2017

What is your strongest personal quality?: Empathy -- I always try to put myself in other’s shoes before jumping to make judgments. 
What skill set are you most proud of professionally?: Relationship Building – whether with other designers, non-designers in the industry or clients.
What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?: I loved Legos. Not Lego sets where you had to follow instructions to build something, just a giant bucket of Legos from which I could build anything I wanted. Foreshadowing, perhaps?
What do you hope to accomplish as an IIDA Emerging Leader?: I hope to be able to improve the leadership skills that I already have and gain new ones to someday lead my own team. I also appreciate the opportunity to meet other designers at a similar level that I might not have met without this group.
What's your go-to for de-stressing?: Enjoying a couple of cocktails with friends.
Revit, CAD, or Sketchup?: Revit, all day every day. 
Are you usually early or late?: I’m early for everything -- so early I can keep myself busy anywhere, doing anything. 
What three things are in your bag?: Headphones, Water Bottle, Notebook
What is your favorite part of being an IIDA member?: The opportunity to be involved in my industry beyond my job. Attending IIDA events, and networking within the design community.
Why did you choose to become an Interior Designer?: My Dad used to be on the client side of design projects at his company; when he would come home from work and talk about his day I was always really interested. At the beginning of high school I went into work with him a few times to sit in on design meetings, it didn’t take long for me to be convinced this was it for me.