EL Questionnaire 2020
Name: Catherine Keywan Company: Bergmeyer Concentration: Retail College/University: Endicott College Year(s) of Graduation: 2014
What is your strongest personal quality?: Strong self-efficacy. I’m very committed to my work and remain confident in my skills when faced with a challenging project. Even if it’s something I’ve never done before, I’m optimistic I can learn how to organize and execute the actions required to meet the deadline. What skill set are you most proud of professionally?: The ability to take a project from concept to completion. I’m proud to be part of the conceptual design phase with sketches and mood boards, as well as bringing our vision to life through final specifications, detailed drawings, and on-site coordination. What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?: Stuffed-animal dogs because I always wanted a dog. What do you hope to accomplish as an IIDA Emerging Leader?: Gain a foundation for how to lead a collaborative design team. What's your go-to for de-stressing?: I’ve needed a lot of de-stressing activities this year! My favorite quarantine de-stressing activity is coloring in coloring books, however pre-pandemic I would take a walk by the ocean. Revit, CAD, or Sketchup?: Revit Are you usually early or late?: Right on time. What three things are in your bag?: A lip gloss, a tiny tape measure, and my nifty Gentleman’s Pocket Wedge, which is a wood wedge to position under a wobbly restaurant table leg. What is your favorite part of being an IIDA member?: Collaboration. IIDA gives me the opportunity to collaborate alongside diverse members of our design industry including fellow designers, sales reps, principals, students, thought leaders and innovators. Seeing successful philanthropy or educational events provide help to people is a beautiful reminder of the positive impact our community has when we work together. Why did you choose to become an Interior Designer?: Growing up I loved to decorate. On the fence between decorating and architecture, I was excited to learn interior design was a generous blend of both encompassing aesthetics, safety, functionality, and overall experience of a space.