Name: Tyra Leoveanu
Company: KI
Hartford City Center

How many years have you served on this Committee?
I have been on the Committee for 1 year.

Why did you choose this Committee?
To be able to support my colleague’s ability to do good for our community.  We have a wonderful group of supporters, so I was drawn to helping facilitate the ability to give back. Growing our reach to those who need it going forward will be something I truly enjoy.

How did you get into the A&D industry? 
I took an AutoCad class in high school and was hooked.  I dreamed of one day designing my own home and getting into commercial design.  Out of design school I have worked for an architecture firm and then for a furniture dealer.  I then moved into my current role as the rep for KI for CT.  I love that I am in the industry that I am passionate about that allows me to use my design background to help our partners achieve a unified vision of great design. 

What is your favorite IIDA NE event?
My favorite event was Baggos and Brews. The scenery was idyllic and the camaraderie was entertaining. Not to mention, I am competitive so getting to play most of the night was a highlight.