We are excited to announce a new online database of CEUs available to our members. The database will showcase our Industry members’ IDCEC approved Continuing Education offerings and help our Professional members locate CEU presentations of interest. A CALL TO ACTION for all our Industry Members: To request that your CEU listing be published, please click here and complete one form per IDCEC course. Submitted Date: January 14, 2022 CEU Title: The Restroom of the Future Designing Connected, User-Friendly, and Sustainable Commercial Restrooms Submitted Date: January 14, 2022 CEU Title: Maximizing Water Efficiency for Sustainable Restroom DesignCredit Available: IDCEC & AIA Presenter Name: Sandi Cooper Presenter Org/Company: Sloan Presenter Email: [email protected] Presenter Telephone: 781-704-5587 Is the presenter a current member of IIDA NE?: Yes Is the presenter organization an IIDA NE event or chapter sponsor?: Yes Credit Expiration Date: 01/31/2023 IDCEC Class Code: CC-104671 IDCEC Subject Code: Interior Design CEU Description: This course is designed to help attendee’s stay current regarding the latest water-efficient technologies. Sloan’s water efficiency course will educate on building water conservation concerns and issues with special considerations to the designer’s requirements. We will discuss today’s innovative, water-efficient plumbing systems that make water conservation attainable and help achieve sustainable building goals. This will also include leading plumbing innovations such as high-performance high efficiency water closets, state of the art solar powered plumbing fixtures, and fractional flushing urinals Submitted Date: January 14, 2022 CEU Title: Sink Selection for Sustainability and AccessibilityCredit Available: IDCEC & AIA Presenter Name: Sandi Cooper Presenter Org/Company: Sloan Presenter Email: [email protected] Presenter Telephone: 781-704-5587 Is the presenter a current member of IIDA NE?: Yes Is the presenter organization an IIDA NE event or chapter sponsor?: Yes Credit Expiration Date: 01/31/2023 IDCEC Class Code: CC-105461 IDCEC Subject Code: Interior Design CEU Description: This course reviews restroom design trends for commercial buildings by focusing on sink/lavatory system technology and the sustainability and accessibility trends surrounding them. The program will discuss the expanding role architects and designers play in accessible designs – striking a balance between hand washing needs and design flexibility. The program compares a variety of sink/lavatory systems and corresponding components. It discusses how each component can enhance the sustainably of hand washing functions while still providing style within Submitted Date: February 18, 2020 CEU Title: Pretty with a Purpose: The Art & Science of Artwork Selection Submitted Date: March 7, 2019 CEU Title: Problems and Solutions for Moisture Issues in Concrete |