Interior Design legislation helps establish and maintain professional standards that protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public. IIDA firmly believes that legal recognition, achieved through licensing, registration, and certification brings uniformity to the profession, defines responsibility, and encourages excellence in the Interior Design industry.
Currently, Interior Designers who are trained and qualified to work in a code-impacted environment are restricted from practicing to their fullest abilities. As the only major, unlicensed participants in the construction industry, these Interior Designers lack the ability to independently stamp and submit their work for building permits as required by the building code.
Why license Interior Design?
...to provide accountability for consumers
...to enable Interior Designers to act as primary contractors on jobs and eliminate the need to pay architects or engineers to redraw, stamp and sign their work
...to encourage economic development by allowing a greater number of business to compete for commercial design work
How does legal recognition protect the public?
It will safeguard the public by creating accountability. Consumers will know they're working with qualified, responsible professionals utilizing the latest information regarding health, safety, and welfare, and who have met specific, nationally accepted standards of minimum competency, including education (university and continuing education), experience and examination (NCIDQ).
Would regulation within the profession put non-registered designers out of business?
No. Registration would be optional for those who wish to work on qualified projects. For those who want to continue practicing within the guidelines of the current legislation there would be no change.
Would legal recognition of Interior Design create unnecessary regulation?
No. The registration of Interior Designers does not create any new regulation. It would allow qualified professionals to increase their scope of practice and work within an already heavily regulated industry.