Planning to take the NCIDQ this Spring? Join IIDA NE’s study group guided by a Leader and CIDQ Ambassador. Each week will focus on different content areas of the exam with an interactive Q&A session. Recent Test Takers will join us regularly to answer your questions on what the exam is really like.

We also have 10 spots available for attendees to qualify for a 3-month VIP Premium level (Team) access to Q-Practice, a $315 value. You must select that you would like Q-Practice access in order to be eligible and the first 10 people to select VIP access will receive it. Attendance at the study group is required to maintain your Q-Practice access.

Homework will be assigned reading from Interior Design Reference Manual: Everything You Need to Know to Pass the NCIDQ Exam, 6th Ed by David Kent Ballast.


Mondays weekly starting 2/11 through 3/25 (excluding Presidents Day)
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.


  • February 11: Margulies Perruzzi Architects; 308 Congress St, Boston
  • February 18: None (Presidents Day)
  • February 25: Margulies Perruzzi Architects; 308 Congress St, Boston
  • March 4: Margulies Perruzzi Architects; 308 Congress St, Boston
  • March 11: Bergmeyer, 51 Sleeper Street, Boston
  • March 18: Bergmeyer, 51 Sleeper Street, Boston
  • March 25: Bergmeyer, 51 Sleeper Street, Boston


Registration is closed.

IIDA Members: $159 with Q-Practice access; free without Q-Practice access
Non-members: $325 with Q-Practice access; $90 without Q-Practice access